Socks and underwear may sound like the most basic articles of clothing for someone to have, yet they are often the hardest to obtain when facing homelessness.
Homelessness in San Francisco has been steadily decreasing. According to the 2017 Homeless Count and Survey, there are 7,499 homeless people in San Francisco. However, the number is still high when compared to the size of the population.
The most recent Homeless Drive, hosted by the CORE Team at Archbishop Riordan High School, collected 251 pairs of underwear and 1,017 pairs of socks. The purpose of the drive is to collect socks and underwear for St. Anthony’s and provide for those who cannot afford or have the ability to purchase these items. St. Anthony’s Clothing Program donates 36,000 articles of new and nearly new clothing to 10,000 guests each year.
Joshua Keeney, religion teacher, said, “We need to see the need in a broader community. We need to see that people around us do not always have what we have, and we need to make sure that we are living out the gospel of clothing the naked.”
There are many factors that lead to homelessness: lost jobs, drug or alcohol addiction, mental illness, gentrification, eviction, or family tension. St. Anthony’s recognizes these issues and highlights five major values in its mission: healing, community, personalism, justice, and gratitude.