In this country, your sharpest and most patriotic tool is your vote, and when given the question on the methods thereof it is the caucuses and primaries that are most contrasting. The opposing opinion will claim that primaries are more representative of the people than caucuses, but only a fool could make such a mistake. An intelligent person will find that the motley of liberty shines its colors upon the caucuses. An intelligent person shall, instead, realize that the primary is an unrepresentative and undemocratic system of voting.
One person, one vote: that’s what the primary pledges. All people get the same amount of votes. Yet it is to be asked, what group is more numerous? All sane people realize quickly that the lame masses are the ones that decide the future for the intelligent, and that idiocy begets idiotic policy. That is factual. Even so, we don’t allow the enlightenment of the unknowledgeable, as we let stupid be stupid, and let smart be smart; all in isolation, all in discretion.
This problem is solved by the caucuses, as in order to come to a resolution the unknowledgeable have to speak with the knowledgeable. This is not something allowed in the primaries. This is not something granted by the opposition. Is not political discourse the most accurate representation of the enlightened democratic society? Is not the enlightenment of the unenlightened the very foundation of American democracy?
Humanity finds throughout the halls of democracy many doors in which they may travel. The door of the primaries has been open for far too long, allowing the undemocratic ways of thinking to enter into America’s minds. America has come to the ragged conclusion that somehow town hall meetings and speeches are undemocratic, and that merely tapping a screen is moreso. What’s more democratic than a town hall? Heck, what’s more American than a town hall? Throughout the town halls of caucuses democracy rings via broken bells, yet the primaries sound silent, for they have nothing but insolence to be heard.
Localities represent a man better than the state or federal governments. That is true; no matter what can be said that is truer than truth. The opposition will attempt to make the common folk believe that localities don’t matter – if they’re even mentioned at all – but one should never, never forget about localities. The beliefs of the San Franciscans should be dictated by the men of San Francisco, not by the doings of San Diegans, San Joseans, Los Angelians, or Jeffersonians. Do primaries represent localities? No, as they are focused primarily on the states as a whole and not the ideals of the city, town, or village that encompass one’s residence. One’s household should be the foundation of the common life; the city that of the living life; and the state/national government that of the overbearing life. Let the living life live amongst the overbearing life with the combined ideals founded in the common life.
Let reasonable men abhor the monotonous primary; let them exist in a static existence void of the other aspects of life. Let it not be, for it should not be. It is undemocratic, broken, unamerican, disunited, overbearing, confused, and fumbling. It is a shame, a false sense of enlightened democracy. It is what this country should strive against, and it is the caucus that lay as the last hill before one reaches the valley of the promised land.