Riordan rocks out to house musical chairs

Steven Rissotto '20, Sports Editor

The first full week of school opened up with a mega game of musical chairs, rocking the Kevin Restani Court during the first mentor group session of the school year. This new experimental game did not disappoint the Crusader students.

The event was hosted by Riordan’s DJ Club and Student Parliament. Participating students also debuted the brand new house pennies, with each house’s respective colors. The rules were simple and ordinary: No pushing, shoving, pulling chairs from other people, or holding onto chairs as the music is playing.

The gym floor was divided in half, as House of Pilar faced House of Bolts and House of Russi faced House of Cana. Three students from each mentor group participated in the highly anticipated event. Principal Tim Reardon was welcomed to the sideline to start and stop the tunes and the event was underway.

The event started abruptly as nine Cana members got eliminated, leaving Russi with high hopes of winning this competition by a large margin. On the other side of the floor, Pilar and Bolts were neck and neck until the final four, when only one Bolts player remained.

In the pressure situations, Pilar struggled to eliminate the last Bolts member, causing Pilar hypeman, history teacher Cory Nelson, to tell his team to “be smart” and “protect each other.” They used those words to finally win it all, splitting the honors with the other game.

Just when things looked rough for Cana, they turned it around. Halfway through the game, they evened out the number, despite losing so many, so quickly. They stood in a similar situation as Pilar: Six of them and one player for Russi. Cana ended up completing a dramatic come from behind victory, joining Pilar as the day’s champions.

The victory for Cana put them in first place by three points against their opponent Russi. Pilar settled for third and Bolts fourth. School Vice Captain of Program, Vherny Rustrian ‘19, said, “I thought it was pretty fun. We need more stuff like that. If we have more stuff like that, more people will participate.”