Dear Reader,
Thank you so much for reading this issue—my last issue with The Crusader. It has been an immense honor to have been a part of the staff these past three years, and I cannot even begin to express my gratitude for this opportunity to not only strengthen my writing skills, but to build relationships with peers and faculty members whom I would’ve probably never interacted with otherwise.
It sounds cliché, but it genuinely seems like just yesterday that I agreed to join the newspaper with Normay Arriola ’24. As a newly transferred student from SOTA High School, the transition was daunting, but joining the newspaper truly eased it; with that being said, I believe I owe some people some thank you’s.
To my Editorial Board, I know this year has been a rough year of stress and tight deadlines with Talia and me constantly looking over your shoulders, but I am proud of you all for being able to pull through for five issues and producing the award-winning February issue. I am so glad I got to know a lot of you better through the Journalism Convention and production days.
To my Photo Editors, you guys are under-recognized, so here is my thank you. You have pulled through on innumerable occasions and are some of the most diligent people I have ever come across. The newspaper and newsroom would be dull without your workand amusing personalities.
To my Managing Editor, Talia Bumanglag ’24, I am so glad we were able to work closer alongside each other. You’ve heard my concerns and frustrations with a listening ear, and immediately stepped up to take on work you weren’t obligated to do; you are bold, a natural leader, a talented writer, and certainly worthy of admiration.
Lastly, to my Adviser, Ms. Sutton, thank you for the snacks— just kidding, even though those are good, too. Your mentorship, support, wittiness, friendliness, and astounding patience and work ethic are cherished beyond words can describe; you are the best adviser The Crusader could ever ask for, and I am so privileged to have been able to work under your guidance and alongside you.
While I am more sad than I’d like to admit to be leaving the newspaper, I am also confident that the capable and humorous duo of incoming Editor-in-Chief, Angela Jia ’25, and Managing Editor, Aiden Pavon ’25 will continue the shining legacy of The Crusader. I wish nothing but the best for them, Ms. Sutton, and the future editorial board.
Farewells are sad, so consider this a letter of appreciation.
Naomi Lin ’24
2023-2024 Editor-in-Chief