Each year, Riordan’s Open House is held to present the school to prospective junior high students.
This year, around 750 people attended, participating in panels, tours, and presentations informing them about various aspects of the school.
In addition, the academic departments and enrichment courses had tables in the gym to display their practices and what the prospective students can expect in the classroom.
In previous years, Open House was held on a Sunday morning, but this conflicted with mass times all around the city, so it was pushed back into the afternoon. Another change was the transition from teachers leading tours to students leading them.
The Knights of Riordan facilitated tours and assisted parents and prospective students around campus. Archbishop Riordan leaves a lasting impression on those who attend the Open House.
Freshman Will Haskell remembers, “When [the Open House first started it was great to see that all of these kids seem so excited about high school, and Riordan in particular. I also loved how engaged the kids were on the tours and how great a job the teachers and students did making them feel welcome.”
The welcoming spirit truly resonated with those who attended the Open House. Admissions department member Sally O’Connell explained, “We are authentic. We don’t put forth any airs; we’re just ourselves. And I think people recognize and appreciate that.”