A study by Mayo Clinic showed that 83 percent of teens ages 13-18 consume caffeine regularly, and 96 percent drink it semi-regularly as a means to increase productivity during the school day or stay awake longer to cram for tests or complete assignments.
Studies also show that excessive consumption of caffeinated drinks like coffee, soda, and energy drinks during the teen years can negatively affect the growing process of the body and brain.
What alternative choices should teens consider when seeking to increase productivity? How can teens savor their favorite caffeinated drink in moderation so that it does not interfere with their health?
As caffeine addiction becomes a more common problem for teenage students, many people wonder how they can stay energetic and productive in school without drinking coffee. If I’m being honest, answering this question is kind of hypocritical because I am quite literally drinking coffee as I’m writing this, but it’s good to know.
School can be stressful due to an overwhelming workload, which causes many students to resort to pulling all-nighters and drinking that wonderful and addictive drink called coffee! I, too, am a victim of overdrinking coffee to stay awake and study better in school.
However, research shows that teen growth is negatively affected by caffeine consumption. This is why it is important to prevent unhealthy caffeine habits. While cutting off your entire coffee supply may seem inconvenient or inconceivable, here are a few ways to stay away from coffee:
Step 1: Try not to drink more than an eight ounce cup of coffee in the morning.
Step 2: If you play sports, try not to drink coffee and stick to energy drinks and water.
Step 3: Stay hydrated and drink water and juice if you ever feel the need to drink coffee.
Step 4: Try to get at least six to eight hours of sleep. If not, you can take naps/study on your way home.
Step 5: Meditate instead of drinking coffee and manifest good grades. Also, studying in the afternoon is better than at three in the morning!
While I understand that it can be hard to stay away from drinks at Starbucks and pulling all-nighters the day before a test, sometimes practicing a little moderation can go a long way. Hopefully this advice will be helpful in informing you on how to break your caffeine habits.