The Blessed William Joseph Chaminade Award was presented on Jan. 25 to a trusted member of the Riordan community, as Philip Cazahous ’70 was the 2019 recipient.
Cazahous said, “When Dr. Currier called me to inform me that I’ve been selected as the Chaminade Award recipient for 2019, I was overwhelmed and humbled to receive the award.”
Cazahous follows 2018 winner Jerry Lucey ’61 and classmates Chris Callero (2000) and Tony Pantaleoni (1996). The Award first presented in 1975, marks the 44th anniversary of the prestigious award. Riordan’s highest honor is awarded each year to an individual who serve and helps advance the school.
The award is named after William Joseph Chaminade, a key factor in Roman Catholicism’s history and founder of the Marianist Order, present in Riordan’s affiliation.
Shortly before the award ceremony, the students filled Lindland Theater for a mass celebrating Blessed Chaminade and his lasting legacy. The cross behind the altar displayed blue and purple, as the choir sang throughout the mass with energy and grace.
Cazahous and his guests were seated in the first few rows of the auditorium during Mass. He was called up to the stage by President Andrew Currier and Principal Tim Reardon to be presented the award in front of roaring and cheering current Crusaders.
As a once illustrious athlete, Cazahous ran for the Crusaders during the track and cross country seasons and famously completed a half-mile in just two minutes and three seconds. His overall mile time was 4:42.
In life after the purple and gold, Cazahous earned his Bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of San Francisco and sought out an investing career. Simultaneously, he was an important member of Riordan’s Board of Trustees.
In his speech, he stated that he chose to return to Riordan’s board after running into a couple Crusaders while on the bus and noticed a “great display” of good manners. This was a theme throughout his short time on stage, as he repeatedly cherished the charisma and respectful students all around campus who have given the school a sense of hospitality for strangers.
Through the past years, Cazahous has worked closely on the financial overview of numerous projects on campus, such as the remodel of the gym and the Riordan Field Project.
He said, “To be included in a list of individuals that have devoted their lives to educating young men, religious men who have continued to develop their lives as part of the Chaminade commission, is quite an honor.”