Fr. John leads young group to sacraments


Vicente Francisco ’19

Fr. John Jimenez traces the sign of the cross on a student’s forehead for Ash Wednesday.

Brandon Vargas ’20, Staff Reporter

The Communion and Confirmation Program, led by Father John Jimenez, is available to those in high school or younger, and those who desire to receive First Communion or Confirmation.


Father Jimenez understands that high school students are especially busy, so he created this program to help those who desire to receive these two sacraments. Some individuals also desire to receive the Sacrament of Baptism, but Communion and Confirmation are the most popular.


This group holds monthly meetings, and attends Sunday evening Masses together at St. Gabriel’s Church whenever possible. Father Jimenez said that these Masses tend to be “youth-oriented” and “fun” for his group of young adults.


Father Jimenez stated that the goal of the students in the program is to “receive the sacraments on Easter Vigil, which in this year will be… [in] April.”


Easter Vigil represents the period when Jesus laid in his tomb after his death. This day in history comes prior to his Resurrection.Therefore, receiving the Sacraments of Communion and Confirmation on this date serves as a testament to these young adults joining the Catholic faith.


Michael Bigler ’20, who has been in the program for roughly four months, said that this program “helps me stay organized and makes me realize my priorities as a young adult.”


This program has tremendously changed Bigler: “It has changed me into bringing me closer to God and my faith in Catholicism.”


Bigler highly recommends joining this program, as it “makes you a better person and helps you come closer with God.”


Father Jimenez explicates that Jesus is his primary motivation, saying, “That’s how Jesus works: He calls a brother then he brings his brother along.”


In the future, Father Jimenez plans to bring his group to the Church of the Epiphany, where Masses are also youth-oriented.


He also plans to encourage graduating seniors to join the exceptional young adult group at Epiphany.