The Second Annual Crusader Games have come and gone.
The final victor of the games, the House of Cana, just barely edged out the second place house.
House of Cana wins the Crusader Games! House of Russi has won the Chaminade Cup and the Gauntlet! @RiordanHS
— TheCrusader News (@R_CrusaderNews) April 26, 2019
The final standings were: Cana 1304.55, Bolts 1281.79, Russi 1259.11, and Pilar 1256.93
In regards to team games, the House of Pilar won the house tug- o’-war, while the House of Russi won the Gauntlet behind seniors D’Angelo Garcia and Zachary Quanico.
House of Pilar Junior Randy Aberouette said, “It’s a lot better ‘cause there’s more games to offer, it’s more organized and it’s a lot of fun.”
This year there were a plethora of games added to the list. A popular one seemed to be the addition of bubble soccer. However, it never really amounted to actual bubble soccer, and became more of everybody in bubble balls ramming each other.
Mateo Guittap ’20 of House Russi said, “[Best was] bubble soccer, because just the tackling seems a lot of fun.”
On a more reflective note, faculty and students recognized the power Crusader Games has on Riordan’s greatest virtue of “Brotherhood.” Russi House senior Jalen Viray said, “It’s fun working together with people you don’t know because you have that sense of camaraderie.”
In every game, all houses were represented and everyone worked with their housemates to win, whether the game is flag football, Mario Kart, or even trivia.
House of Cana Provincial Christopher Fern added that, “[Crusader Games] is the coolest tradition that I have seen started here in the 11 years that I’ve worked here. It is the opportunity to do something that people will
remember forever!” The Games is in its second year and is improving the Crusader atmosphere through teamwork and friendly competition.”
The end goal for the competition is to win the Chaminade Cup, which is won by attaining the most house points from in-school events, the first and second semesters, the Gauntlet run, and Crusader Games. The house that wins the Chaminade Cup has bragging rights until the next
competition. The final results were: Russi 3968.11, Cana 3962.55, Bolts 3960.79, and Pilar 3937.93.
Riordan strives to make the high school experience transformative in that a freshman graduates as a man ready for future endeavors.
House of Bolts counselor Vanessa Martinez noted, “It really affects people over time because when you get here as a ninth grader, you’re not the same person when you leave.”