As the season was cut short for Riordan’s Baseball program, the seniors must soon move on to college. Some may continue playing baseball, while others will go on to pursue new dreams.
The seniors: Brandon Vargas, Carter Carlson, Jarell Taylor, Danilo Herger, Mateo Guittap, Randy Aberouette, Steven Elsner, Steven Rissotto, and Will Miller saw their high school baseball career come to an end, but they will not be forgotten.
Their determination, passion, and love for the game are obvious to all who watched them practice and play. They played with great energy, never having a dull moment when together. They stood by one another, helping each other when one fell down, and celebrating together when they succeeded.
Although they only played four games, two of which were scrimmages, these seniors managed to have a 1-1 record before it was cut short. “My favorite moments are when I’m together with my teammates. They’re one of the reasons I play and there’s nothing I’ll miss more,” said Rissotto.
The bond that these seniors had with each other was something different from any other. It was a great influence on the fans, as the Coach Brandon Ramsey said, “The seniors were the most committed group I’ve ever seen. They worked so hard and they were just an amazing group of young men.”
Alex Robinson ’23 said, “The players were great people. They helped everyone off the field, and were great to watch on the field.” Even with this tough ending to this year’s high school baseball season, they will still always have the memories of the fun plays and practices, the bus rides to away games, and their strong connection of brotherhood that kept them together as they move forward.