A Lay Marianist is someone who knows, commits to, and lives by the Marianist Charism. They represent the oldest branch of the Marianist Family going back to 1801.
On Jan. 25, Riordan English instructor Michael Vezzali-Pascual ’88 was inducted as a Marianist Lay Affiliate.
Being a Lay Marianist is one of the highest achievements one can achieve in the Marianist Community.
Chaplain Fr. Cameron Faller said, “It is a blessing to have Mr. Vezzali-Pascual committed to become a lay Marianist because he has now made a formal commitment to share in the work of Blessed William Chaminade.”
Religious Studies instructor Joseph LeBlanc ’78 said, “It is significant because it demonstrates the commitment and desire of the Affiliate to Vea life of service and prayer in the Marianist tradition.”
With having a new status may come with new responsibilities to take care of.
“My responsibilities are simply the lifelong commitment to living my faith. Also, I feel a particular responsibility to Archbishop Riordan community to continue to share the joy of our faith and our particular Marianist charism with our community in the way it was passed on to me when I was your age,” said Vezzali-Pascual.
In order to be inducted as Marianist Lay Affiliate, there’s a certain process that one has to go through.
Vezzali-Pascual said, “The process took about one year to complete because necessarily there is extensive reading, study, and discussion on all things Marianist. I worked with Br. David Betz, S.M., a wonderful mentor and spiritual director who not only read and discussed the Marianist spirituality and history with me, but also helped me to grow spiritually in reflection and prayer. I really did not know what to expect.”
Vezzali-Pascual concluded, “Looking back, I so much appreciate the process as I feel ready in both my head and heart.”