Originally a book released in 1952, later adapted to a musical in 1961, and then into a movie in 1967, “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying” is a whimsical tale about climbing the corporate ladder. The Riordan production followed closely to the 50-year anniversary 2007 Broadway rendition of the movie.
On Broadway, Daniel Radcliffe played the window washer turned chairman of the board, J. Pierrepont Finch. Here, Estefan Granucci ’19 took on the role, adding his own flamboyancy and charm to the wacky and crafty character.
This was Valerie O’Riordan’s last show as the Riordan drama director after many years of directing top quality shows.
The songs were catchy and dances were mostly in sync. A majority of songs were meant to be funny, but lyrics being skipped or ran together made it hard to understand the comedy. The music was solid. If there was a mistake, it was rarely ever heard, or was just accepted as something supposed to happen.
Pit member Daniel Chan ’21 said, “It was a bumpy process, but we pulled off a great show in the end. I ended up learning a new instrument, which surpasses the word ‘cool.’ The most difficult part would have to be the Pirate Dance in which there is a lot of movement going on and it starts off slow but it slowly starts accelerating.”
He added, “My most favorite song would have to be ‘Brotherhood Riordan is, a brotherhood in of Man’ because it reflects what which everyone is invited.”