The Covid-19 pandemic has affected every aspect of our lives, encroaching upon personal boundaries with government-enforced mask mandates. These medical face coverings have stirred up controversy, with some believing they don’t genuinely prevent the spread of COVID and that the mandate is contradictory to our constitutional rights, while others think it should be necessary to wear them at all times. In the United States, this supposedly free country that allowed discourse on this topic and the expression of both sides, has continued to divide citizens.
As of Jan. 1, state governments began to ease mask requirements and currently none of the states ask people to wear them in public places. Although they are still necessary in high-risk settings like public transportation and schools, and the CDC’s recent reissuing of its recommendation, masks are not always worn amongst the general population.
It has been evident, that recently, the safety measures don’t parallel the rise in cases, and people are not understanding
Citing senioritis, seniors call it quits the need for protection of the virus’ new variants. David Alfaro ’24 asserted, “I personally feel the masks were a bit unnecessary because people never wore them.”
This represents much of the student population’s opinions, as masks were commonly worn incorrectly or disregarded entirely. This trend has resulted in a spike in cases, and the resurgence could potentially lead to the mask mandate being reinforced. Amaya Amador ’24, said, “I really hope the masks don’t become required again because they are uncomfortable and a nuisance.”
Nonetheless, as cases begin to surge with the warming weather in California, we might want to rethink our lack of masks, and although we most likely don’t have to worry about the government requiring them, for personal safety and protection they are becoming increasingly necessary .
This is especially true in densely populated areas, as the rise has implications that could eventually lead to a similar summer as 2021. However, we should remain positive, follow instructions of the CDC, and stay home when feeling sick. Timothy Spiegel 24 said, “I feel the ending of the mandate was an important milestone for the end of COVID, and I’m really glad masks are no longer required.”
Concludingly, to avoid the implementation of the mask mandate again, and further distance ourselves from COVID 19, it’s of the utmost importance to do all we can to avoid contracting and spreading the virus.