Ukraine gets no winter break from war


Ukrainians get no respite from the war even through the holiday season as Russia seeks to invade Ukraine in the biggest military action in Europe since WWII.

Alexandra Peraza '25, Staff Reporter

War, fighting, and suffering. This is what Ukraine is enduring as many around the world prepare for the holidays.  

While many gathered to spend time with loved ones on Thanksgiving and Christmas, Ukraine has not had rest. Civilians in Ukraine have been struggling, living without necessities such as heat, power, water, and constantly being attacked. 

As much as 70 percent of Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, has been without electricity. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine expressed how Russia has committed a “crime against humanity.” 

Basic survival is only increasing in difficulty in the country. An estimate from the U.N. declares that more than 7.8 million Ukrainian refugees are from the war with Russia. 

Many world leaders support Ukraine, such as Prime Minister Rishi who has just recently visited President Volodymyr Zolenskiy, pledging UK support for Ukraine in their fight against Russia.

 In addition, while missiles keep thrashing down on Ukraine, they are creating a “nuclear catastrophe” said an energy chief of the country. An attack on November 23 caused Ukraine’s nuclear power plants to disconnect from the national electricity grid. “Thus, for the first time in the 40-year history of the Ukrainian nuclear power industry, all NPP power units were shut down,” said Petro Kotin, head of Ukraine’s nuclear power company Energoatom in a news report. Each Russian attack is causing areas to be out of power and water. 

The European Union is planning to move forward to stop Russian forces with a ninth sanctions package, stated Ursula von der Leyen, President of the EU commission. We send our love and wishes in hopes that Ukraine will push through these arduous times and heal.