New York, corporate law, and of course lots and lots of drama.
In Netflix’s new adaptation of Helen Wan’s “The Partner Track,” a group of young attorneys aspire to become the next partner in their law firm. The 10 episode series follows Ingrid Yun (played by Arden Cho) as she juggles her corporate M&A law (mergers and acquisitions) career, her love life, and her biggest case yet, the Sun Corp deal.
The Partner Track touches up on issues in today’s corporate world, and presents topics many people can relate to. The show displays many things such as, the need of separation of private life and work, the racial discrimination many face in the workforce, but also the choice between

morality and objective. The partner track is a diverse show representing many people from all backgrounds, from the academic burnt-out younger sister and the hidden prodigies, to the silver spoon elites of the corporate world. It’s a great bingeable show for anyone wanting a pick-me-up.
Fans who’ve watched the series may know the witty and confident character, Carter Min, but did you know that he attended Riordan?
Carter Min, played by Rich Ting ’98, is a laid-back and clever character, “someone who I’m pretty much identical to,” said Ting. Both Rich Ting and his character Carter graduated from prestigious universities, Yale and Dartmouth, respectively. “I actually transferred to Riordan my senior year, because I wanted to go into college football.”
Social Science teacher Jeff Isola, Counselor David Lin, and Dean of Students Juan Zumbado were classmates with Ting.
“He transferred into Riordan his senior year, he was a pretty known entity, and I had a couple classes with him. He’s a very nice individual, humble, and came on as a quarterback for our football team, so he was known but still very down to earth,” said Isola ’98.

“I admired him not just as a good athlete but also as a really good student.”
His fellow football teammate, Lin ’99, also praised him. “My first impression was that he was very buff!” Lin laughed, “he was a transfer, but he was very kind and open, so he made friends with a lot of different people. All in all, super positive.”
During his high school football career, he made the executive decision to transfer to Riordan from Menlo High School.
“I spent three years there, but my dream was college football,” said Ting. He was on varsity football, baseball, and track during his time in Menlo. “Unfortunately, the division was not allowing me to be recruited, so I looked to transfer.”
Rich Ting was dedicated to pursuing athletics for college, and at the time he looked into the WCAL top divisions.
“I looked around all the schools, and met the Riordan coach. Honestly, I felt really great with them, but there was a starting quarterback already. They said if I was really interested we would be allowed to compete for the starting position.”
Recalling back on his final year of high school, “Everyone was super accepting. I was welcomed very smoothly, and had the most fun.”

“I never laughed so much until senior year.”
Later on Rich Ting went on to pursue college football at Yale, graduated, and interned at ESPN, a stepping block for his acting career. “I always liked being in front of an audience, whether it was athletics or something else. I always looked up to like Bruce Lee and Michael Jackson and how free they were in their performances. I wanted that freedom of performance.”
He propelled his acting career after finishing law school, “I just didn’t want to do anything in the medical field,” laughed Ting. He pursued law due to the limitless application of law. “I learned a lot through law school, and it’s really important for people to understand it.”
Ting’s career started out humble like many others, acting in smaller roles in Chicago PD, and NCIS: Los Angeles. He made his big break in Warrior as Bolo.
“It was a career progress, looking back on the past and being part of something Bruce Lee created is unimaginable. It was like combining the best of both worlds.”
During Covid, Ting joined Netflix’s roster and started dubbing, charting Korean and Japanese dramas, such as My Name, All of Us Are Dead, Fishbowl Wives, and Juvenile Justice.
“When I do a dub they want it to be American English, and it’s very frustrating and when I want to be Asian for the character, I promise myself I don’t want to be ‘fake’ voice over and dubbing they want to strip that away.”
In his latest production, The Partner Track, he worked closely with the main stars, especially Arden Cho. “Originally I was cast as the brother, Z Min, but when they sent the scenes with Carter, I knew Carter was me.”

“In some way I wanted to be a relatable character, ‘like oh he reminds me of so and so,’ you know?” He went on, “The Asian American community is always cast as, the academic, the fob, the villain, or like the obnoxious Asian guy with a big personality, but for Carter, people can’t say he’s a loser or poser because he’s impressive, it’s almost humbling to play kind of the first person we all know to some kind of capacity.”