Boys volleyball is officially in action at Riordan, and students are elated. Since the shift to co-ed many new sports have been added, and after the success from the girl’s volleyball program, boys have been anticipating their own league as well. Many students have advocated for the inclusion of other sports as well, including girl’s softball and a cheer team.
Mateo Lapuz ‘23 and Eric Dean ’25 have both been waiting for a team since their freshman years. Dean expressed, “I’ve been waiting for a men’s volleyball team at Riordan since I applied in 8th grade. During my interview, they promised that they would try and have one my freshman year, but definitely by my sophomore year.”
Head coach and religious instructor Joshua Keeney commented on the tribulations from forming this team saying, “We faced a number of challenges, but the main challenge has been gathering together the number of boys we need to play.”
“We have to continue to build the momentum and enthusiasm behind the sport. From last year to this year we have witnessed an increased amount of interest, so we will continue to ride that wave into the rest of our practices.”
This club will operate like a real team, having weekly practices on Tuesday and Thursday, and later including intramural games. Unlike last year’s open gyms, these practices will be formatted seriously and function like a real team, rather than open playing.
“My hope for this program is to potentially start a spark in boys’ love for volleyball,” Lapuz added.
The environment is very eager, and with a variety of skills many players are helpful in giving pointers to others. Girls from the varsity girl’s volleyball team have also volunteered to help give their insights and assist Coach Keeney during practices.
“I hope to see our program begin to play other high school teams by next year and then hopefully join the WCAL. We have a long way to go to arrive at that goal, but if we bring together our best athletes and show them how fun the sport of volleyball is, then we can easily gain the numbers and skill we need to compete on the court at a high level,” Keeney added.
Students hope this foundational stone will create a larger platform for other sports to begin as well. In the future, this program could become another success, and a new jewel in Riordan’s crown.